Google Next'23 conference in San Francisco is a blowout event with the tickets sold out a month in advance. We were fortunate to the attend the conference and take some valuable insights from the event. As the AI ecosystem is evolving, Google made significant launch announcements this year. The press release by Google can be found here

Duets : Google Cloud + Refnik Anadol (Above Image Credits)
As we attended the conference, we were overwhelmed by the plethora of announcements and developments that were going on within the AI ecosystem. There was the buzz word AI everywhere, in every product, service, and sentence. To get a sense of the launch announcements and developments, and to synthesize the information further, we overlaid our smart org framework discussed in one of our earlier insights with the AI related launches.

We believe the above picture represents the announcements and innovations as it relates to a typical architecture of a smart organization, and where Google Cloud tools could be leveraged.