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Can AI Really Replace the Human Touch?

Writer's picture: Maulishri BhandariMaulishri Bhandari

Phone: Hello, you have reached XXX Company’s helpline. To help us serve you better, please select an option from the menu. To check your card balance, press1. To report loss or theft, press 2. To apply for a new card, press 3. To talk to a customer service expert, press 9.

Me (who wants to verify how to apply for a new credit card): Pressing 9

How many of us generally wait to press 9 in cases where the option to speak to an agent is present? Despite the convenience of automated responses for most issues, there's a prevailing inclination to engage with a human, ensuring clarity and understanding. Is this reluctance rooted in a lack of trust in our ability to follow machine directions, or do we simply prefer the reassurance of a person comprehending our situation and guiding us through it?

Hello, I'm Maulishri, a Computer Science graduate student at the Georgia Institute of

Technology, dedicated to understanding the trajectory of technology and its impact on society. With the rise of artificial intelligence, numerous routine tasks have been automated for efficiency. However, this trend doesn't always guarantee the best results. Many individuals remain wary of interacting with a machine; Some argue that this wariness is merely a teething issue for AI. But consider the future where, as our lives become busier, personal interactions diminish—whether in stores, factories, banks, or malls—all replaced by automated systems.

Over time, people may start to miss the personal connections that, although subtle now, will become increasingly significant. The question arises: How can we preserve a personal touch while maintaining the efficiency of automation? Should we expect humans to work around the clock, or should we train our bots to comprehend emotions? Injecting empathy into technology is crucial for a world that is rapidly

advancing, and it's imperative for customer-centric businesses to focus on and integrate these nuances into their automated systems. This approach ensures that they serve their customers in a manner that benefits both the customer and the company.

Stay tuned to this blog to gain deeper insights into this concept. Discover how a subtle shift in perspective can enhance the customer experience when interacting with machines, bridging the gap between efficiency and genuine connection.

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